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Head set of iphone does these nine interesting jobs.

Head set of iphone does these nine interesting jobs.It looks simple and the users often use it to receive a call and listening to musics but if you want to use as smart then there is a big world inside this head set. Controlling the Iphone activity thru head set with a machine said Air buds .You can do many thing thru the Air buds without touching the phone. Today i'm going to describe about the hidden features inside the head phone of Iphone.

(1) You can receive a call,end call, pause music and play it again with one press of the central button of your head set .
(2) You can play music and stop it again with one press of centeral button of your Air buds even your Iphone is lucked .
(3) To listen to the next song you can press twice quickly to the Air buds.
(4) If you want to listen again the last song then press qiuckly three times same centeral button of Air buds.
(5) If you clicked twice quickly and hold it for some seconds then your song will fast forward .
(6) Press quickly three times central button and hold it for some seconds to rewind the song you are listening.
(7) You can receive a new call by holding the received call or unhold the held call by pressing once the central button.
(8) If you want to send a message by pausing the music then press central button and hold for some seconds.
(9) You can take image by the head set of your Iphone. First open the camera app of your mobile and click the central button of your mobile.

Note : If you know the more features of the head set of the Iphone then please comment below and share with friends . thank you.

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