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Four best ways to earn money using facebook

Perhaps you have heard about the online income. Often i had also heard peoples talking about the earning on Facebook. First i did not believe them also like you all and If you also have heard the same and still you are not believing it then you are wrong.It is true that we can earn money by using internet as well. We can earn money using Facebook as well.Now the world is boring without the internet connection. Everyone uses the internet every time  that's why some of the websites are giving online job to the users. There are many ways to earn money by using internet. i'm going to explain you about it briefly.

Facebook for business

Mobile app:- If u can develop any kinda of mobile app then u can earn lost of money. After developing your app you will have to upload it on the play store or any supported sites.If you made app for android and you want to upload it on play store then you have to make a developer account on it.You need to pay $25 to sign up as developer in play store.. After that you will have to apply it for the Google Ad mob or many other are available there but Google is the best .After reviewing you application Google will give ads on your application.

Facebook app :- We can earn money from Facebook app also. If you can develop an application for Facebook then depending on your app you can earn money. If many peoples  use your app on Facebook then you can monetize it.After applying your app for monetization there will appear a live ads then you will get monthly payment but the earning will depend on the users who use your app.

Blog :- One of best online earning way is writing blogs. If you can write posts that mostly read by peoples. Peoples always visit your site and read your contents then Google and many other companies will offer you advertisement. Then you can earn money.

Youtube :- Youtube also a good way to earn money. If you can act like a actor,sing a song,dance and funny videos then you will have to make videos and upload it on the youtube.If peoples like your videos and view many time then Google will shows ads on your video then you will be paid every months.

Every things i told you above the ways of online earning is depends on the reader or viewer of your contents. That is why you need more fans. If you have big Facebook fan page then you can earn more money. You have to show your contents to the Facebook users by sharing on the Facebook fan pages or groups. When peoples see your content then they will go to your site to see it. Then you will be paid by the company you associated.

Thus peoples often say Facebook is their part time job.

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